We are happy to welcome you to St. Bernadette Parish, a Roman Catholic community in the Archdiocese of St. Boniface.
Our Location

820 Cottonwood Rd Wpg Mb. R2J 1G1
Office: 204-255-1951
Fr. Okafor: 204-257-1226
Office Hours
Monday – Friday 9:00 am – 1:00pm
Feel free to call or email the parish any time and we will respond as soon as possible. info@st-bernadette.ca 204-255-1951
For Emergencies please call Fr. Okafor at 204-257-1226
Mass Times
Saturday – 5pm
Sunday – 9am & 11am
Weekday Masses:
Tuesday -6:30pm;
Wednesday 9am,
Thursday 9am & 6:30pm (followed by a Holy hour of Adoration)
Friday at 9 am (followed by Adoration on the first Friday of the month) & 6:30pm
Fr. Chukwuemeka Okafor
fr.okafor@st-bernadette.ca, 204-257-1226
Lori Sellner-Parish Office and Communications Coordinator
Chloe Ryan
Parish Pastoral Council – PPC
Fr. Chukwuemeka Okafor, Maureen Ferley (Chair), Doreen Howe (Co-Vice Chair), Gabrielle Bernardin (Secretary), Bryce Simes, Val Bergeron, Victor Bernardin, Tim Dono, Lynne Shillinglaw, Maribeth Dono, Laveena Noronha, Jancy Jacobs, Suzanne Munroe
Finance Council
Fr. Chukwuemeka Okafor, Marcel Rainville (Finance Chair), Pat O’Connor (Vice Chair) Gabrielle Bernardin (Secretary), Angela Aghenta, Doug Markewich, Philip Jose
Penance- Confession is after every Thursday evening Mass.
Confession will be available during the Thursday evening Adoration after the 6:30pm mass and on the first Fridays of the month during the adoration after the 9am mass.
Anointing of the sick– By appointment – please email or contact the Parish office.
Weddings– Please call or email the parish, one year in advance
Infant Baptisms– Please call or email the parish office.
Adult Reception & Baptism– Please call or email the parish office.
Catechism & Children’s Sacraments– Please call or email the parish office.

About Saint Bernadette Soubirous

Parish Envelopes
The Parish Envelopes are now ready to be picked up and are located in the church narthex. Please remember to pick up your envelopes.
If you do not see your name or are new, please fill out the form HERE.
Parish Schedule
There are a few ways to donate to the parish.
– Tithe.ly
– Direct Deposit (Form found here or in the church narthex).
If you have any questions please contact the parish.
Thank you!
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