Our parish usually has a gathering to bless the Easter Baskets, since we cannot meet at this time, here is a blessing that a family could do over their Easter foods in the safety of your homes.
It is the tradition of people from many cultures to ask for God’s blessing on the festive foods used at Easter. This blessing is usually celebrated sometime during the day on Holy Saturday, but may also be used on Easter Sunday or during the Easter Season.
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Sign of the Cross
Prayer: Using these or similar words, a leader invites all to pray.
After forty days of prayer and penance, we are ready to rejoice with the entire Church in the resurrection of Jesus our Lord. Let us bow our heads now in prayer and ask our heavenly Father to bless us.
All pause for a moment of silent prayer.
Blessed are you, Lord our God, creator of the universe and our Father, you have guided us through prayer and fasting, and now fill our hearts with joy at the resurrection of Jesus and our share in his life.
Remember that we are your holy people and bless + this food for our rejoicing. Bless us too and keep us in your love.
Blessed are you, Lord our God, by all your people for ever and ever.
All Answer: Amen!
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This prayer may be used at gatherings during the Easter Season:
Let us pray:
All pause for a moment of silent prayer.
Heavenly Father, We praise you for your goodness in raising Jesus from the dead and for bringing us together to celebrate in joy. Grant that all our festivities may be for your honor and glory.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
All Answer: Amen!
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Bless our home, Father and all who live here in peace: may we all love you.

Have a Blessed and Safe Easter!