Masks are now Mandatory to be worn to enter the Parish of St Bernadette. Masks must be worn when you leave your pew or walk around.
Masks are to cover your nose and mouth.
New COVID-19 Restrictions in the Winnipeg Metropolitan Health Region
The Provincial government updated restrictions on public gatherings in Winnipeg and outlying municipalities. As of Monday, September 28, Masses will still be maintained at 30 % of building capacity. Persons in the affected areas will have to wear masks at all faith gatherings (Mass).
There is a ten-person limit on indoor and outdoor gatherings, such as meetings and catechism. We remind all the faithful to maintain physical distancing at all worship services, and we ask all parishes to respect the new provincial guidelines, details of which can be found at and by clicking here.
Above and beyond parishes in the City of Winnipeg, the following parishes are affected by the new restrictions: Corpus Christi (Narol), St. Stanislaus (Selkirk), St. Michael (Cook’s Creek), St. John Paul II Catholic Community (Oakbank), Our Lady of Hope (Anola), St. Hyacinthe (La Salle), Saint-Adolphe, Sainte-Agathe, Notre-Dame-de-la-Miséricorde (Île-des-Chênes), NotreDame-de-Lorette (Lorette). The areas affected include the Cities of Winnipeg and Selkirk, the Town of Stonewall, the RM of Cartier, the RM of Headingley, the RM of Macdonald, the RM of Ritchot, the RM of Rockwood, the RM of Rosser, the RM of Springfield, the RM of St. Andrews, the RM of St. Clements, the RM of St. François Xavier, the RM of Taché, the RM of West St. Paul, the RM of East St. Paul, the Town of Niverville; and the Village of Dunnottar.
Weekly News Bulletin
September 29, 2020
Please continue to maintain social distancing.