

On June 28th, Archbishop LeGatt announced that ‘Mediation Services’ will be providing listening teams to further support a “truth-telling” (listening) process. The first part of the listening process will take place between now and mid September.  The listening teams will begin by meeting with those who have been most directly involved in the life of the parish.  This would include past and present staff and committee members at the parish.  If you fit in this group, you are now welcome to call  ‘Mediation Services’ 204-925-3410′ to register.  Office hours are 8:30 am-4 pm, Monday to Friday.  Please note we are also compiling names of past and present staff and committee members, and will be reaching out to any on that list who have not called to register.

Mediation Services is an independent, not for profit organization specializing in conflict resolution and healing.  Our website is:    At the end of August, we will begin part 2 of the listening sessions with the broader membership of St. Bernadette parish (past and present); and will provide instructions again at that time as to how you can register for a meeting.

After listening to all who would like to share their story, we will report back to the Parish what we have heard, identifying unresolved issues; and we will discuss ways that the Parish can move forward.

When you call Mediation Services, you will be asked to share your name, phone number, email address and what your involvement at St. Bernadette has been (i.e. parishioner, committee member, staff person).  This information will be passed on to listeners who will then set up a meeting with you.  This will be a CONFIDENTIAL process.  In our reports, nothing you say will be attributed to any particular person.  Only themes and patterns will be identified.

Listening can happen at Mediation Services (302-1200 Portage Avenue) offices; or by phone; using Zoom; or at a place of your choosing.

If you are confused, do not hesitate to call Mediation Services.  We would like to include as many of you as possible in this listening process.  We appreciate that this may be new for many of you, and we would like to be open and transparent.  All questions are welcome.  Note it may take a day or two to respond to your calls. We ask for your patience.   

Janet Schmidt – Mediation Services 

Information from Archbishop LeGatt & General Meeting Reminder


The next one is set for Wednesday, June 28 at 7:30 p.m. in the church proper, i.e. the worship space. This month’s general assembly will take the format of a presentation by myself , followed by questions from the assembly which I will answer to the best of my ability. There will be no small group discussion at this assembly on June 28.

We will take up the table group format once again at the next assembly in September.

To read more please read the letter from Archbishop LeGatt below

Letter from Archbishop LeGatt
Please read.


Thursday, May 25, 2023 St. Bernadette Parish Compilation of all responses

Second General Assembly

Archbishop Albert LeGatt will be joining us in the upper hall for a General Assembly, Parish-wide listening circle on May  25 at 7pm in the upper hall. 

All are welcome and encouraged to join in on this pastoral journey! Be part of rebuilding the foundation of our St Bernadette Community. Share in friendship as we strive to bring about unity of faith and charity. 

Please note, there will be no mass  or adoration on May 25.


Starts Good Friday

To further enjoy the ‘Celebration of St Bernadette’ this year, we invite you to pray the 9-Day St. Bernadette Novena, in the quiet reflection and warmth of your home, and with your family.

The Novenas are based on her actual quotes, and are the same prayers that she prayed.   

Pray the Novena and offer your personal intentions to: help those suffering from illness, help the poor, protect those ridiculed for their piety. and to help the Shepherds of mankind.  

Your life will truly be enriched by this experience and learning more about St Bernadette.

The Novena can be found at either of the websites below, or by just searching the internet for St Bernadette Novena. 

If you still need further help, please contact the Parish Office.

Faith Formation / Catechism at St. Bernadette Parish

Great News! We are planning our in-person catechism program for this fall beginning Tuesday October 4 at 6:15 in the church for the students and parents. Please note that parents are to stay at the first evening to meet those involved and have our procedures explained. Classes will run on Tuesday evenings from 6:15-7:30pm weekly. 

Sign up online. Check our email bulletin or our website.

Press Here

Please contact the office or Suzanne for further information.

Sunday Celebration of the Word in the absence of a Priest with the distribution of Holy Communion.

We are looking for people who would be willing to lead Lay Led Services with distribution of Holy Communion in the absence of a priest should the need arise.

If this is something you would like to do, please contact the office.  Training sessions, as well as practice sessions, will be done prior to being asked to sign up on MSP (Ministry Scheduler Pro). 

Once prepared, your name will be added to MSP along with your preferred mass time and you will be added to the roster.  This enables you to know in advance your scheduled mass to prepare the readings, reflections, etc. should they be necessary.

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This ministry of preparedness is exactly that- to prepare ourselves for the weekend’s readings should our priest be stranded or unavailable to preside.  Thank you in advance for considering this ministry.