Mass Intentions

To book a mass intention: visit, call or email the parish office or place a request in the parish collection basket.

  • Please inform us if the person is deceased, we add a + to show this.
  • How you want it written in the bulletin (please keep it short)
    • For Example
      • Jane Smith for her health
      • Bob & Denise Doe on their 25 wedding anniversary
      • + Robbie Sample
      • + Deceased N. family members
      • For Personal Intentions

You can place the intention request in an envelope into the Sunday collection, please write your contact information, and the requested intention. The office will contact you if we need more information from you or if your chosen date is not available.

The donation is $10. Please give exact change or cheque.

Please note that mass intentions may have to move or be sent to the Archdiocese.